Safe Work Practices

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Safe Work Practices

22(1)  Subject to subsection (2), an occupational health and safety program required by section 13 of the Act must include:

(g) a plan for training workers and supervisors in safe work practices and procedures, including any procedures, plans, policies or programs that the employer is required to develop pursuant to the Act or any regulations made pursuant to the Act that apply to the work of the workers and supervisors;


The following practices are based on legislative requirements and industry best practices.  They are considered to be minimum standards when performing these tasks.  If deviation from these practices is necessary, Management must be consulted and an equivalent level of safety assured.

The methods in which tasks are performed are continually changing.  If there is a more practical or safer method of performing one of these tasks that requires a change in the written procedure, Management must be informed.  Procedures will be changed to suit individual area's requirements while maintaining the minimum level of safety identified in applicable legislation or by good industry practice.  The intent is to ensure the greatest practical level of safety when performing these tasks; all employees and contractors are encouraged to reference this information, and participate in the review, development and continuous improvement of these practices.

Although the following procedures incorporate minimum required and legislative requirements, each job should be considered for its specific hazards and requirements.