Personal Conduct and Appearance

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Personal Conduct and Appearance

Horseplay is strictly forbidden.

Loose clothing and hair that is below shoulder length shall be confined to ensure it does not become entangled in operating machinery or obscure vision.  Dangling neckwear or jewellery, rings, or other similar items should not be worn.

All employees shall be clean shaven (within 24 hours of growth) when working or entering onto an operating potentially sour gas (hydrogen sulphide) lease.  This applies to hydrogen sulphide of any concentration within the production gas.  This rule is to ensure the employee can maintain a seal with breathing apparatus and also to ensure that seal may be maintained with a resuscitator if rescue is required.

Oil saturated and contaminated clothing shall be removed as quickly as possible so as not to be a fire or health hazard.  This includes fire retardant clothing as it will not protect the wearer if soaked with a flammable or combustible material.

The company is judged on the appearance of the employees and the equipment.  Please take pride in the appearance of both.