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General housekeeping refers to the maintenance of Power Tech Industries Ltd.’s property, vehicles / equipment and the client’s property in a condition which is safe (hazards eliminated or controlled) for personnel, aesthetically pleasing and non-threatening to the local environment.

Regular maintenance and upkeep of the general appearance of work sites improves employee morale.

A safe means of entrance to and exit from a place of employment and all worksites and work-related areas in or on a place of employment shall be provided and maintained.

Ensure lighting is sufficient to protect the health and safety of workers and suitable for the work to be done at the worksite.

Employees must maintain their vehicles and work sites in a clean and orderly fashion.

All tools must be properly stored.

All excess materials and equipment must be properly stored.

All garbage must be picked up and properly disposed of in provided covered receptacles.

Equipment and materials must not block access and egress to and from the work site, or create a hazard for other workers.

Oil soaked materials or rags and any other garbage that may constitute a fire hazard must be disposed of in covered fireproof containers.