Hard Hats

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Hard Hats

All workers will wear hard hats where there is a risk of injury to the head and at all job sites as required.

The use of hard hats is an industry standard; hard hats shall be worn by all persons (including visitors) at worksites.

All protective headwear must meet CSA Standard CAN/CSA-Z94.1-92 (R2003), Class “G” for general use.

Electrical trade workers must be provided with protective headwear that meets the same CSA standard, except that the headwear must be Class “E”.

Care, cleaning and replacement of protective headwear must follow Manufacturer’s recommendations.

Protective headwear should be replaced every 3 years.

Winter liners should not contain any metal or electrically conductive material and must be of flame retardant material (CAN/CSA-Z94.1-92 (R2003) – A11).

Safety headgear shall not be painted or defaced in any way.

Protective headwear shall not be modified and shall be worn as the manufacturer intended it to be worn (i.e.: do not turn the shell around so the peak is facing backward, etc.).  Headwear shall be worn so that the suspension is properly adjusted and so that it does not move about on the wearer’s head.

Inspect the headwear prior to each use.  If the shell or lining or suspension have been cracked, penetrated, torn, broken or otherwise damaged, the headwear or part shall be replaced with an identical part from the original manufacturer.  Any headwear that has received a significant blow shall also be replaced.

Do not store protective headwear on a dash board or any other location where direct sunlight can adversely affect the unit.  Headwear kept on the back dash can become a missile in a vehicle incident.