Fire Retardent Clothing

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Fire Retardent Clothing

Fire retardant clothing must be worn whenever the potential exists for a flash fire, electrical equipment flash over, or whenever working on an Oil Company’s operating lease.  Fire retardant clothing must be kept clean to ensure its fire retardant qualities.

Power Tech Industries Ltd.’s standard for fire retardant clothing includes any outer layer clothing that will not support combustion including Nomex III or equivalent.

Fire retardant clothing shall be worn as the outer layer of clothing.  Other clothing worn shall be 100% natural fibre material including cotton and wool.  Synthetic and nylon materials or any fabric that may melt when exposed to heat shall not be worn under fire retardant outerwear.

Fire retardant clothing shall cover full arms and legs.  Shorts and short sleeve shirts are not permitted.

PVC rain wear is inherently fire retardant and may be worn as an outer layer.  Plastic and synthetic rain wear is not permitted.