<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Navigation: Forms > Formal Hazard Assessment |
Task Assessed:
Positions Considered: |
Date: Assessment Team:
FHA #: Revision #: |
Referenced Legislation:
Non Mitigated: |
Specialized PPE or Equipment: Use standard PPE
Severity: 1.Negligible/OK: Causing minor injury that requires first aid or less 2.Minor: Causing non-serious injury, illness, or damage that requires medical aid 3.Serious: Causing severe injury, serious illness, that is disabling or lifelong, or property and equipment damage 4.Imminent danger: Causing death, widespread occupational illness, or loss of facilities
Probability: 1.Extremely Remote: Unlikely to occur 2.Remote: Could occur at some point 3.Reasonably Probable: Likely to occur eventually 4.Probable: Likely to occur immediately or soon |
Hazards Associated with Task |
Severity |
Probability |
Priority |
Existing Hazard Controls |
Severity |
Probability |
Priority |
Eng: Admin: PPE: |
Eng: Admin: PPE: |
Eng: Admin: PPE: |
Eng: Admin: PPE: |
Eng: Admin: PPE: |
Eng: Admin: PPE: |