First Aid Reporting

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First Aid Reporting

The Occupational HSE Act, First Aid Regulation states that:

"Injuries sustained at work, no matter how minor they may seem, must be reported."

It is imperative that all injuries are reported, not just because of legislation.  If an apparently minor injury develops into compensable injury, a written report will ensure that Workers' Compensation will be paid to the injured worker.  Reporting minor injuries will help management identify potential hazards and/or injury trends.  This information may then be used to establish controls designed to reduce injuries.

The log book inside each first aid kit is to be completed whenever an injury is sustained by a person conducting business on the Company's behalf, unless the injury is reported on an Incident Report form.

Management shall review the first aid log book at least weekly.  Any injuries that were reported in the log book, but not reported to Management shall be investigated by Management.